Multiple charts

Multiple charts: Global population figures and figures for urban populations in different world regions

The graphs below provide information on global population figures...

Multiple charts: The information on transport and car use in Edmonton

The diagrams below give information on transport and car...

Multiple charts: Why agricultural land becomes less productive

The pie chart below shows the main reasons why...

Multiple charts: The charts give information about travel to and from the UK

The charts below give information about travel to and...

Multiple charts: Demand for electricity in England during winter and summer

The graph below shows the demand for electricity in...

Multiple charts: The charts show the result of a survey of adult education

The charts below show the result of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reason why adults decide to study. The...

Multiple charts: Enrolment in different colleges in the Higher Colleges of Technology

The graphs show enrolment in different colleges in the Higher Colleges of Technology in 1999. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information...

Multiple charts: Hours worked and stress levels amongst professionals

The graphs show figures relating to hours worked and stress levels amongst professionals in eight groups. Describe the information shown to a university/college lecturer.Write at...

Multiple charts: Japanese traveling abroad and Australia’s share of Japanese tourist market

The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australia's share of the Japanese tourist market. Write a...

Multiple charts: CO2 emissions for different transport in the European Union

The graph below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds...

Multiple charts: Food budget average family spent on restaurant meals

The charts below show the percentage of food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years. The graph shows the number...

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