HomeIELTS SpeakingSpeaking Part 2Cue Card — Describe famous person that you want to meet

Cue Card — Describe famous person that you want to meet

This article includes sample answer on the IELTS cue card topic:

Describe famous person that you want to meet

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • How do you know this person
  • Why this person is famous

And explain why you want to meet them.

Sample Answer: 8+

Famous people can be found all throughout the world, and we all like keeping up with them and learning about them. Although I admire a variety of people, Leonardo DiCaprio is one that I particularly admire. He is an acclaimed American actor, film producer, and environmental activist. 

I first became a fan of him through the film ‘Titanic’, a tragic love story that catapulted DiCaprio’s career to new heights. I remember being in my teens when I first saw the movie. Despite knowing little about him, I was blown away by his performance in the film, as a impoverished artist who meets and falls in love with the beautiful Rose on board and eventually dies to save her life when the ship collides with an iceberg and sinks to the ocean’s bottom. Since then, I’ve seen some of his other films and have a greater knowledge of him.

There are numerous reasons why I am desperate to meet him in person. The first point I’d like to emphasize is that he has had a very successful career as one of our generation’s greatest performers. ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, ‘The Great Gatsby’, and ‘The Revenant’, among other films in which he portrayed the main character, have grossed a total of $1.4 billion at the box office in the last four years. Five times he has been nominated for an Academy Award.

Obviously, his success is the consequence of his unrivaled talent, passion, commitment, and personality, rather than a stroke of luck. As far as I can remember, he is a perfectionist who seeks to achieve the greatest standards in his job and continues to push the boundaries with each new role. In his most recent picture, ‘The Revenant’, his character is so hungry that he eats raw liver in one scene, and DiCaprio actually consumes raw liver in order to convey authentic emotions to the audience. This is very beautiful and admirable.

In addition, I’d like to meet him in person to express my admiration and respect for him. It’s because he’s a responsible individual who is concerned about the environment, particularly global warming. DiCaprio has consistently expressed his concern for environmental issues, as evidenced by his Globe and Oscar speeches. He has taken responsibility in a variety of activities to raise awareness about environmental issues, including hosting environmental events alongside other celebrities such as President Bush and Obama, producing environmental documentaries, volunteering for environmental organizations, and founding The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, an environmental non-profit organization.

Overall, these are the reasons why, when I think of a foreign celebrity I’d like to meet, DiCaprio is the first name that comes to mind. My dream, I hope, will come true in the near future.

Follow-up Question: Part 3

How important do you think someone’s status in society is when it comes to campaigning for what they believe in? 

In my opinion, a person’s status in the society plays a vital role when it comes to pushing for what they believe in. Famous people, for example, have an extreme advantage when it comes to encouraging the citizens because they have a lot of followers and fans. That is why I admire celebrities who use their status for a greater good.

What do you think should be the best reason for someone to be famous? 

I believe that people can get famous for a lot of reasons. It may be because of the profession they are in, their family background, their political beliefs or just the kind of lifestyle that they have. For me, there are actually a lot of good reasons for someone to be famous, and I do admire people who rose to fame because of the deeds that they do. People who are philanthropists and those who help other people. These are the people I have so much admiration for because they use their fame to do good things.

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